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In Concert
The Beatles World Tour
Special Concert for
Richelle's Birthday
May 18, 2002

It's Only Love
I get high when I see you go by
My oh my.
When you sigh, my, my inside just flies,
Why am I so shy when I'm beside you?
It's only love and that is all,
Why should I feel the way I do?
It's only love, and that is all,
But it's so hard loving you.
Is it right that you and I should fight
Ev'ry night?
Just the sight of you makes nighttime bright,
Very bright.
Haven't I the right to make it up girl?
It's only love and that is all,
Why should I feel the way I do?
It's only love, and that is all
But it's so hard loving you
Yes it's so hard loving you -- loving you.

Parliament - England

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It's Only Love
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